Aldo Marroni
La “persuasione” erotica.
Carlo Michelstaedter e il desiderio di “far di se stesso fiamma”
Abstract — The purpose of this essay is to trace the origin of the notion of “persuasion” in connection with the strong passions which possessed Michelstaedter, especially during his brief erotic experience with his chosen muse, Nadia Baraden. The Russian woman was considered by the young philosopher as “persuaded” ante litteram and he attempted to give rise to a singular “lovers community” to raise as an alternative to the “communities of the wicked”. But Nadia’s suicide destroyed all his hopes. Michelstaedter wrote his most important work, La persuasione e la rettoricca, under her influence. With the image of Nadia constantly before him, he would, almost in a spirit of emulation, take his own final and definitive decision.
Keywords: eroticism, “persuasion”, passion, desire, flame.
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