venerdì 16 gennaio 2015


biannual journal of humanities


The journal welcomes original contributions that have not been published elsewhere. Contributions should not exceed 5000 words, including notes and bibliographical references and must be sent by e-mail to the Editor, Prof. Francesco Marroni,, and Prof. Tania Zulli

All contributions must be accompanied by an abstract in English of no more than 300 words, a brief bio-bibliographical note which should not exceed 100 words, a running title and five keywords.

Since all articles will be subject to a double blind peer review before publication, they must be sent anonymously: name of author, institution, academic position and e-mail address must be sent in a separate file. Any direct references within the article to the author or their other works must be avoided.   
The Editor will select two readers from a list of both Italian and foreign external experts, and will  request their assessments of the contribution within one month. Authors will be notified of the result of the external assessment within sixty days.
In the case of a positive assessment with suggested alterations, the article will be sent back to the author who will be invited to take the eventual comments into consideration and resubmit it after making the amendments suggested. Only after revision will the article be accepted for publication. In the case of a negative judgment on the part of both readers the article will be rejected.   


Articles must be written in Times New Roman in the following sizes: Name of author 12; Title 14; Main text 12; Long centre page quotations 10; Footnotes 10.
Line spacing is 1,5 for the text and for centre page quotations, and single (1) for footnotes.

1. The whole text must be justified, apart from the name of the author and title which are to be left-aligned. A space (size 14) must be left between the name of the author and title; two spaces (size 14) must be left between the title and the beginning of the text.  
2. Each paragraph (including the opening) must be indented (0.5 cm). Footnotes must also be indented (0.5 cm).
3. Paragraph titles and sections must be written in italics (except numbers), with the same letter size and leaving one space from the text which follows (size 11).

Punctuation marks follow the number of the footnote and closing double rounded inverted commas. Only question and exclamation marks precede the inverted commas and the number of the note is placed at the end, after the inverted commas.
e.g.: “[…] and he eventually found the place”1. / “[…] did he eventually find the place?”1


1. Short quotations must be placed in the main text between inverted commas “  ”. A maximum of two lines of verse and a maximum of four lines for prose must be placed in the main text. Long quotations must be separated from the text without opening and closing quotation marks and with an indent (1 cm) on the left and an indent (1 cm) on the right of the text. Before and after the quotations one space (size 11) must be left.
2. Suspension points indicating an interruption or break in the quotation must be placed between square brackets.
E.g.: “There was no hope. [...] Just then [...] when the law had been so flagrantly outraged”.


books and articles
1. Names and surnames of authors of books must be indicated together with the title and subtitle, place of publication, editor, year of publication and page number(s). Other information (series, number of edition or reprint etc.) are optional. In the case of more than one volume – such as, for example, the letters of an author – the number of the volume must be indicated immediately after the title in Arabic numerals (e.g.: 6 voll., and for English texts, 6 vols.), and the number of the volume quoted before the page indication and in Roman numerals (e.g.: G. S. Haight (ed.), The George Eliot Letters, 7 vols., New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1954-1955, vol. V, pp. 19-20).
Any translations used that are different from the original language must be indicated after the title.
2. Titles of books, journals and collected volumes must be in italics. Works by more than one author must be indicated with the name of the editor before the title followed by (ed.) or (eds.) when there is more than one editor; or edited by, (a cura di), (sous la direction de), (herausgegeben von) (a cargo de). e.g: Allan C. Christensen, Francesco Marroni, David Paroissien (eds.), Dialogic DickensInvention and TransformationChieti, Solfanelli, 2015. If the name of the editor is not provided, the name of the first author must be given followed by et al. e.g.: Alessandro Serpieri et al., Nel laboratorio di Shakespeare. Dalle fonti ai drammi, Parma, Pratiche, 1988, 4 voll. Avoid initials such as AA.VV., which, from a bibliographical point of view, have no information value. In the case of volumes containing proceedings, the place of publication  and date of the conference must be included with the names of editors. e.g.: Ungaretti e la cultura romana, Atti del Convegno (Roma, 13-14 novembre 1980) edited by Rosita Tordi, Roma, Bulzoni, 1983.
3. Journal articles and essays in collected volumes (of one or more authors) and other such publications must be placed between double rounded quotation marks. Journals must contain year number and season number in Arabic numerals; immediately after these two numbers the month (or season) and year of publication must be indicated in brackets: e.g. Merope, 6, 3 (September 1994). The number of the issue must be indicated, in Arabic numerals, only if the year number is missing: e.g. Merope 13 (September 1994). Abbreviations should not be used for the names of journals except in rare cases (such as, for example, PMLA): write Rivista di Studi Vittoriani instead of RSV.
4. The journal from which the quoted article is taken follows the title of the article without “in” after the comma; the book from which the quoted article is taken follows the title of the article preceded by “in” after the comma.
5. When the same text is cited more than once only the surname of the author is to be indicated followed by the title, cit., and page number(s), or followed only by op. cit., and page number(s). e.g.: Said, Culture and Imperialism, cit., p. 246 / Said, op. cit., p. 246.
6. For successive quotations from the same text use Idem if the quotation is from the same page, Ibid. or Ibidem followed by the page number if the quotation is from a different page.

Quotations from web sites must be indicated as follows:
Tommaso Pincio “Estate Artica”, 10 novembre 2014, Ultimo accesso: 28 luglio 2015. For English texts: [last accessed July 28th 2015]

If the article contains a (short) bibliography, the references must be listed in alphabetical order according to authors’ surnames and, for each author’s works, in chronological order of publication. 

-  Milton, John, Paradise Lost, ed. Christopher Ricks, London and New York, Penguin, 1989.
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor, Crime and Punishment, ed. Richard Peace, trans. Jessie Coulson, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 2008.

Journal articles
Carabine, Keith, “‘The Secret Sharer’: A Note on the Dates of Its Composition”, Conradiana 19, 3 (1987), pp. 209-213.

volume articles
McBratney, John, “The Failure of Dickens’s Transatlantic Dream in American Notes”, in Christine de Vine (ed.), Nineteenth-Century British Travelers in the New World, Farnham and Burlington, Ashgate, 2013, pp. 69-85.

web sites

graphs and images
Tables and graphs must be in black and white and must be inserted in the article in Word format (10). The images must be in jpeg format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Descriptions of the images must appear under the images and be preceded by consecutive numbering.

Merope is a biannual journal.
To subscribe or purchase individual issues write to:
Edizioni Solfanelli
Gruppo Editoriale Tabula Fati
Via Colonnetta n. 148
tel. 0871 561806

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